People and pollution – Earth Kids Superheroes

Why Pollution Continues to Impact our Environment

Many people have become complacent about pollution. People allow polluters to continue polluting. Apathy is a major problem for environmental champions. Many of us get busy with other priorities. Consequently, we don’t bother to take the time and learn about potential environmental problems that exist in our community. People should understand the importance of clean air and water for ourselves, our family, and our environment. More people will take action once they become more aware and knowledgable about the issues.

Subsidizing the Fossil Fuel Industry for 100 years

A fact that should be known to all is that the world has subsidized fossil fuel companies for over 100 years. They have received billions of dollars. In return they have polluted, causing taxpayers to pay for their subsidies and future clean up costs. In addition, the country developed a fossil fuel infrastructure that was paid for by the government and its citizens.

Abandon Fossil Fuels

Imagine living in a country with industries that refuse to pollute. I mean zero pollution. This is not a pipe dream; it’s a possible reality if people choose to demand it. The first step is to abandon fossil fuels and if possible all liquid fuels. Don’t be scared! We will create a more sustainable economy with jobs that pay a living and in most cases a very comfortable wage.

Environmental Sustainability

We would still have cars but they would be pollution-free. They would be electric or solar. We would have roads that recharged our cars. These types of roads would never be covered in ice and snow. The water can safely melt and sent back to its origin through a clean storm drain system.

We would have cleaner air, pristine water, and eliminate all of the waste generated by fossil fuels and road clean up. The new roads can be like plates and easily be replaced. No more tar!

All of the technology is already available but we choose to stay in the 20th century and keep polluting. Let’s STOP!

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