Committee for Family Forestlands meets on March 19

SALEM, Ore. — The Committee for Family Forestlands will meet virtually on Wednesday, March 19 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. To join virtually, please use the Teams video conference information found on the agenda.

The committee’s agenda includes:

  • Forest Resources Division update
  • Reforestation report results
  • LandMapper presentation
  • Meet and greet – Forest Resources Division Chief
  • Board of Forestry update
  • Legislative update

The meeting is open to the public to attend online via Teams. Accommodations for people with disabilities, and special materials, services, or assistance can be arranged by calling at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 503-945-7200 or by email at

The 13-member committee researches policies that affect family forests, natural resources and forestry benefits. Based on its findings, the committee recommends actions to the Oregon Board of Forestry and the State Forester. View more information on the CFF webpage.

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